Introducing EnviroCam. The future of environmental crime enforcement.

Incidents of fly-tipping and littering in the United Kingdom are on the rise. Anything from broken household appliances to building site rubble is being illegally dumped alongside rural lanes and in remote areas, leaving landowners, farmers, and community members to clean up the mess.

This issue is not only unsightly and dangerous, but it is extremely harmful to our environment, and many may not realise that fly-tipping is also a criminal offence.

RMC has developed an innovative solution, EnviroCam, that has seen the rate of repeat littering offenders decline by 100 per cent during trials, and numerous fixed penalty notices, of £150 or more, paid on time and in full.

EnviroCam is a cutting-edge artificially intelligent (AI) camera and algorithm, that can quickly and accurately detect environmental crimes such as fly-tipping, littering, and public urination. Upon detection, EnviroCam AI matches the litter to the person or vehicle it originated from, and automatically generates a littering report, including video evidence, for human verification.

EnviroCam AI can be deployed across a range of camera installations and is a renewable-energy-powered solution that can be utilised for a vast range of environmental issues.

 – Fixed/permanent
 – Temporary/short-term
 – Vehicle mounted
 – Covert

EnviroCam uses the latest 3G/4G/5G technology, secured using ChaCha20 encryption which is fully GDPR compliant.


Instant Deterrent

Proven results