Brentwood Road

Brentwood Road had been a notorious hotspot for antisocial and illicit behaviour for many years. Records uncovered from a local church indicate that unsavoury behaviour in the area dated back to the 1970s. Some of the incidents described in the church records were shocking and disturbing, and showed no respect for the community.

By 2022, the area had become so notorious that it was affecting the local park, nearby heritage church, and businesses in the area.

RMC were approached to implement measures to eliminate the behavior and work with local agencies and partners to make the area safe and welcoming. The project aimed to create a safer and more secure environment for the local community, as well as to encourage economic growth and development.

Over the course of the project, RMC removed trees and vegetation previously used for illicit behavior, installed an ANPR protection system, and introduced patrols.

The project was a resounding success, with reports of crime and anti-social behavior in the area falling dramatically.

RMC was sensitive to the needs and concerns of the local community throughout the project, and worked hard to build trust and understanding. RMC worked with the local authority, police, and parking company to ensure maximum discretion.

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